As of Nextion Editor v1.65.0, the Nextion 10 bytes of power on preamble Nextion Startup 00 00 00 FF  FF FF (NIS 7.19) and Nextion Ready 88 FF FF FF (NIS 7.29) have been moved from firmware into Program.s as a printh statement printh 00 00 00 FF FF FF 88 FF FF FF.  This change allows users to keep as Nextion has always been, modify to have their own custom preamble, or remove the preamble all together.

Program.s is the place for startup code prior to the first page of a users HMI to begin running.  Items as global integer declarations such as int sys0, sys1, and sys2, to instructions setting defaults from brightness to baudrates such as baud=9600, dim=100, recmod=0, to launching the first HMI page such as page 0 will now be found in the new default Program.s tab.  (Any code after the page instruction will not run as the HMI does not return back for Program.s to continue)