
The Nextion MEGA IO project – Part 3

As at the beginning of every big project, things seem to advance slowly at the beginning. But if everything is well thought in advance and all the foundations well set, the speed of progress will increase afterwards as you'll see soon! After we defined a very compact an efficient protocol in Part 1 and started implementing it in a Nextion Demo project in Part 2, we need now the counterpart on the Arduino Mega side. That's our today's topic.

By |September 24th, 2023|Categories: The Sunday Blog|Comments Off on The Nextion MEGA IO project – Part 3

The Nextion MEGA IO project – Part 2

After we "invented" an extremely compact and efficient protocol in The Nextion MEGA IO project – Part 1, allowing to control up to 8 MCUs with their up to 12 PWM pins, 32 GPIO pins, and 16 ADC pins each (in case of the Arduino Mega) with only 3 bytes, it's now time to move from theory to practice! Our first goal was and is to make things better than in this project, where we used only 3 PWM channels and only a slightly reduced PWM resolution (7 instead of the theoretically possible 8 bits) for the sake of simplicity. Controlling a RGB LED this way limited the color resolution to 2 millions of colors instead of 16 millions as some attentive readers had noticed and reported back. Thus, we start a huge demo project today, with 12 sliders for the 12 PWM channels of the Arduino Mega, distributed over 2 screen pages, PWM1, and PWM2, having all the full 8bit range supported by the Arduino Mega.

By |September 18th, 2023|Categories: The Sunday Blog|Comments Off on The Nextion MEGA IO project – Part 2
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