Show and tell

A polyphonic MIDI keyboard on screen demo

Recent surveys tell us that people prefer looking at videos over reading. Thus, I decided today to keep up with these times and I produced a video, showing you a polyphonic (thanks to multi-touch) MIDI keyboard on a Nextion NX1060P101, connected to the new Nextion MIDI I/O adapter which will come to market very soon. Although not a native English speaker, I made an effort to talk about some details, please accept my apologies for my French-German accent… 🙄

I developed this project for testing the new adapter but I must admit, it was most probably a bit too ambitious to place a 50 key keyboard, even on a 10″ screen – the keys are simply less wide than on the usual keyboards which made me stumble several times when playing.

Have a look:

Thank you for watching – happy Nextioning!